Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > oneness and belief and realization > Page 3


the Way of the worthy One - Belief to Realization

Page 3

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Christianity was founded in a direct encounter with Truth seen in Jesus of Nazareth, as was Buddhism in Gautama Buddha. Christianity spread quickly, and many died for the Christian way, including being burned on crosses and fed to lions - Why? For some set of beliefs? Correct doctrine? No! The only explanation is an encounter with Truth evidenced in the Love of the man Jesus, whom many called the Christ.

Peculiar to Christianity is that at the heart of everything there is not a text, or a single commandment, or even a new Torah - but rather flesh and bones and breath and the remarkable response of Jesus' followers to both his brief public ministry and his brutal execution.

*Robin R. Meyer's. Saving Jesus from the Church.

I differ with Meyers at one point. Christianity is not the only wisdom path that at its heart is flesh-and-blood. One example is Buddhism. Without the man Siddhartha Gautama, born 480 BCE, who became the Buddha, there would be no Buddhism.

These examples remind us that, yes, no commandment, holy book, or doctrine can open the heart to feel, see, and know Truth. Truth awakens to Truth. If one is a believer, she is not yet a seer, a knower. There is no freedom in thought, only preparation for a leap into the Abyss of Light.

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In August 22, 2009, I was still a Christian clergyperson. I had moved far from my Christian roots, through following the contemplative path that led from truths to Truth. I wrote of this shift -

As regards my break with the language "orthodox" ... "Orthodox" means "right belief, opinion"; so, "heterodox" means "of another opinion, belief." Unfortunately, heterodox came to imply wrong, heretical. The Greek branch of Christianity began using the word "orthodox" first in the 4th Century. Yet, what is orthodox differs so much that really the word has no viable meaning. Strictly speaking, the only orthodox faith group in Christianity is the one a person is part of and claims is right; all others must be heterodox - of course, this shows the lie of orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is both arrogant and ignorant in its claims - not to say defiant of True Love. Likewise, the Gospel does not teach "orthodox" as the basis of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Hence, being silent is the best witness we can give to Truth. The moment we speak of Truth, we speak away from Truth. Likewise, the surest path to an unmediated encounter with pure Life is to be quiet. In reverent quietness, we offer a silent invitation to Grace; we posture ourselves to receive the anointing of Light.

Again, wisdom from Huang Po, illustrating the vain search for the Absolute and the need for silence -

Some madman shrieking on the mountain-top, on hearing the echo far below, may go to seek it in the valley. But, oh, how vain his search! Once in the valley, he shrieks again and straightway climbs to search among the peaks....

And, so -

Far better that you make no sound, for then will there be no echo - and thus it is with the dwellers in Nirvana! No listening, no knowing, no sound, no track, no trace - make yourselves thus and you will be scarcely less than neighbors of Bodhidharma [i.e., Indian founder of Zen Buddhism]!


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > oneness and belief and realization > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2025